In The Greenhouse
November 8th, 2019
Well, it finally happened. Summer turned to fall and fall rapidly turned into winter. With temperatures hovering around the 20's in the coming weeks, what can a person do to get their "warm weather fix"? Well, there is always Florida, California or Arizona. This involves flights, hotels and cash to pay for it all. Or, there's the alternative. When the weather turns cold outside why don't you come inside. Inside a greenhouse that is. Here at Ted's We have just the thing if you want to spend a few leisurely hours strolling through the tropics, desert or even the production areas where we have been gearing up for Christmas, Easter and other Spring holidays. More on this later.

Where else can you shop for some more unusual plants that you might want to use in your own home or give as hostess gifts when someone invites you over for dinner. Check out our wall of unique Staghorn and Rhipsallis (a rain forest, tree loving cactus) wall plaques. Or, how about a Kokedama (moss ball)? These are great for a table or windowsill accent. These unique bits of horticulture will actually grow better with age.
And no trip to a greenhouse would be complete without seeing what is growing. Take a peek into our production areas. Right now we have a large area devoted to holiday poinsettias. We started growing these in August to have them in time and in bloom for Christmas. Come back often to see how they get progressively more colorful as the weeks go by and we get closer to the holidays. Right now we can see hints of red, white and pink. We would be glad to explain how this all happens. A great teaching moment, as many think that poinsettias just show up at their retailer, church or business without knowing the "back story". And once we tell you, you can then be the "poinsettia expert" in you family or at work.

We also have hundreds of Easter lilies. Yes, the Easter crop for us started in October. Right now there isn't much to see as all the action is taking place underground as the lily bulbs grow roots. Soon they will be headed for the cooler to spend about 8 weeks before being brought out to the greenhouse to finish their growing cycle.

Come by and wander. You never know what you might find, see or learn while you are here. And best of all, you can forget, for even a short time, that outside is twenty and inside is toasty warm.