Welcome to 2024 at Ted’s Greenhouse Inc.,
We look forward to serving your needs with the quality products and customer service that you have come to expect. For your convenience, orders are accepted by e-mail, fax and phone, or stop in and pay us a visit.
As we strive to fulfill our customers needs, we are continuing to expand our ever-changing tropical and house plant selections. If you are having trouble finding that special plant, we will do our best to find it for you, including special ordering.
Cactus and Succulents are continuing to lead the way into your landscape and containers and we are pleased to continue providing the largest selection in the Midwest while maintaining exceptional quality.
Our mixed container program continues its popularity with new and exciting combinations for the upcoming season. We also custom grow containers to your specifications. Be sure to allow adequate time for ordering.
Contract growing continues to grow tremendously by offering you the opportunity for additional savings for pre-orders as well as the added benefit of early organization. For your convenience we continue to offer a variety of container sizes for pre-orders, including the 306/1801, 4.5” and 1201 trays. Please call for a quotation.
We thank you for your continued patronage and look forward to serving you in 20214.
The staff at Teds